I’ve become a fan of the SCFPA

By David Christiana –

As a relatively new “long-time resident” wannabe, I started to go to concerts at the beautiful Benderly-Kendall Opera House.  The acoustics in the hall are phenomenal.  The building is a Patagonia gem.  I was not a classical music fan when I first started to attend, but have grown to love the concerts, which are not all classical music and opera.  The concerts range from chamber music, to jazz, to 18th century Italian love songs.


The SCFPA does a wonderful job creating the stimulating programs, bringing world-class musicians of all kinds to “lil ole” Patagonia.  The intimate setting allows for being up close and personal with the artists and their various instruments.  I often find myself hearing a familiar sound and thinking “ah, that is the instrument that makes that sound.”  The wide range of presentations has really expanded my appreciation of all genres of music.  I remain a Beatles fan though.