“Winter, Water and a Lonely Shepherd” – An exclusively Schubert program featuring Clare Demer, soprano, Diana Schaible, flutist and Mari Tomizuka, pianist.
Program: A Mid-Winter Schubertiade with the greatest 19th Century hits from the prolific and beloved Viennese songmeister, including Auf dem Wasser zu Zingen, favorites from Winterreise, the Arpeggione Sonata and Shepherd on the Rock
Don’t miss this concert that heralds Spring! Artist’s Reception in the Courtyard after the Concert
Prepaid admission is $30 – adult or $15 – student. You can pay online until noon on the day of the concert (using your preferred credit/debit card or PayPal) or by sending a check to SCFPA PO Box 875, Patagonia AZ 85624. Tickets purchased at the door on the day of the concert are $35/$20 (if seats are available)